I shall probably be going to North Yorkshire some time during this summer, can anyone recommend a beach where naturism is possible, or tolerated?
Did you have any success with this at all?
I am new to this forum but would suggest that, as I live in East Yorkshire there aren't any suitable beaches.
There used to be naturist areas at Cayton Bay and Fraisthorpe as I am sure that you are aware however, these days, I would suggest that they are not suitable.
The nearest I would suggest are Druridge Bay (Northumberland) - not one I have visited so cannot comment or NE Lincolnshire at North Cotes or Theddlethorpe - both unofficial but very quiet and lovely areas.
Hope this is of help and interest.
Yes, I would agree with Stevew that Lincolnshire is a good bet but then I live very close by. Horseshoe Point is nearer to North Yorkshire but only by about thirty minutes. I prefer Theddlethorpe but Horseshoe is more remote. Why not visit twice and visit both ?