
What's the most (ac...
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What's the most (accidential) daring naked thing you've done

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Naturally by accidental I mean unplanned, unintentional - so streaking at a cricket match etc doesn't count.

A few examples from me....

I live in the country with very few houses around and a private garden with a long drive way. I was doing some work on my car brakes (nude) in the drive and then needed to check all was ok, so got in the car (nude) drove to the local long straight country road - brakes fine, so turned around by backing into a field gatway (the roads are a single car width) and couldn't pull out again - the car was stuck. I was naked no mobile phone and 2 miles from home - only option jog home in the middle of the day on open country roads and past a few houses nude. Amazingly enough I don't think anyone saw me! (wife came out with the other car - me now clothed) and we pulled the car out. 

Another example - at the time a had a motor bike and I had done some nude cycling previous (4miles or so at safe times at night - great experience) so I wondered what it would be like doing a short motor bike ride nude (with helmet). So one hot summers night about 12 o'clock, off I went with the intention of just riding 3 miles out along a seldom used country road and then to come back - didn't expect to see anyone. But as I came around a corner there were quite a few Land Rovers and about 30 or so farmers with shot guns in the road - looking like they had just come from a night shoot - the road was blocked. I stopped a little way from them - I knew they wouldn't be able to see that I was naked, but also with it being a very narrow road and I was quite close to them, I was sure turning around would clearly show I was naked and would take long enough for them to get to me if they wanted to. I waited a bit and they cleared a space for me to ride through - so off I went riding a motor bike naked through a group of farmers with guns. But then I had my next problem I had intended to turn around and go back along the same road - didn't seem sensible to do this now, but there was no other way back other than to use the main road (an major road), didn't like the idea of going back through the farmers and it was late, so onto the main road I went, but to get back home without taking a very long way back would also take me in through a small town before I could turn off to pickup another main road back towards home and then back onto country single car width roads. So in the end my short nude motor bile ride ended up being a 8 mile nude ride through a group of farmers inches from me, along a main road for 5 miles and through a small town! (by the way didn't see anyone else other than the farmers).

Posted : August 27, 2016 12:55 pm
Posts: 383
Reputable Member

Great stories - I've nothing to equal it , always having jhad more cover.

There was one time I went out - nude - to the patio at the back where one can halve a nice sit and think.  As I turned the corner, there was the farmer who occasionally wotrs the surrounding fields.  We are on a decent ruidge which woulsd have given cover - but he was eating his lunch in the cab of some tall agricultural engine and had direct line of sight.

Don't know if he saw me; I quietly and as inconspicuously as possible withdrew.

Posted : August 27, 2016 1:03 pm
Sid duffin reacted
Natural Rich
Posts: 59

A couple of weeks ago during the day my immediate neighbours were all out so I couldn't resist the urge to venture onto my driveway naked. All went well initially and I stayed along the side of my car to keep it between me and the street.

A couple of cars went by and then I saw my neighbour coming back in her car - I can tell you that I have never felt so naked before even though I've worked as a life model! Quickly I weighed up my next actions - should I let her see me making a dash for the side of my house, I suspect they already know I am a naturist, or should I try and hide using my car as cover? I chose to use my car as cover, ducked down and scuttled around below car window height in the hope that she didn't see me or if she did, that she wouldn't see anything that would cause upset.

I ended up being on the other side of my car lying on my drive, naked in full view of the street, any passing cars and any passing people - and just to make it worse, it was bin day!

My neighbour stayed for what seemed an eternity in her car before she went in at which point I ran for it. Amazingly I wasn't seen by anyone passing by and the bin men didn't turn up so I think I got away with it but to say I learned my lesson is an understatement! 

Posted : August 27, 2016 4:33 pm
Posts: 344
Reputable Member

Does what you do when under the influence count as 'accidental' on basis you didn't intend & sometime can't remember that well?

I really should have been born on a tropical island

Posted : August 27, 2016 4:53 pm
Posts: 383
Reputable Member

At the very least you have our attention.

Posted : August 27, 2016 7:22 pm
Posts: 28
Eminent Member

I was driving home from work naked at about 2 in the morning, my route took me over a railway level crossing. Unbeknowns to me the level crossing was having night time repairs done ,so I had to wait at some temporary traffic lights and then drive through a work gang of about 20 all wearing head torches, I just kept my eyes on the road and tried not to catch anyones eye 🙂

Posted : August 27, 2016 8:07 pm
Posts: 177
Estimable Member

Not really daring, more like getting caught red handed!
I was sitting naked in the living room and we heard a knock at the door, before answering the door I thought that it would be better to slip into some clothes. As I walked out of the living room (you are probably ahead of me now) my eldest daughters friend had let herself in and was standing looking at me in all my glory. I'm not sure who screamed loudest (although I suspect it was me) before I dived for cover.

Posted : August 27, 2016 10:25 pm
Posts: 344
Reputable Member

At the very least you have our attention.

well I have a rep for skinny dipping to sober up - not always in the best places

I really should have been born on a tropical island

Posted : August 27, 2016 10:38 pm