I am not sure what section to post this in but I am sure that mods will redirect it.
We are enjoying our last few days in Fuerteventura, and I can thankfully say, that so far the anti tourist movement, that if you believe the online news, that is spreading through mainland Spain and the Balierics, hasn't reached here.
It does amaze me that in areas that are so dependent on tourism, that there are people that are willing to damage such an important source of income. Yes loutish behaviour and any law breaking should be clamped down on, but protests on beaches where people are doing no harm and contributing to the local economy are very short sighted and damaging.
The income that tourism brings into an area is sometimes underestimated, and these people that are protesting, and thinking that there lively hood dosnt rely on tourists, so they are just a pain should look further along the food chain.
"Try to live a good life. Don't be afraid to be what you are'. some bloke in the pub.
Well, as you know I live in Spain in the region of Catalonia. At present we are not liked and things are made difficult for us. All part of the Brexit movement as well as the ongoing Independance referendum. They were hoping that Scotland winning independance would open up the way for t hem, but it did not and the uk is to blame for that. Quite frankly out here they live with their heads in the sand as well as not being able to see beyond their noses.
Just Wear a Smile
Two story 4 bedroom house suitable for naturists for sale southern Catalonia, Spain. pm for more information
Perhaps your attitude is wrong? I've lived in catalunya for 8 years and I dont get that.
Hope you had a great time during La Merce
[gmod]Woah folks! lets make sure that we don't degenerate into a slanging match[/gmod]
Well certainly no backlash in the Fuerteventura part of Spain, home from home again down here in Corralejo, as well as at Infiniti... everyone is as they always have been..a smattering of bad Spanish is still appreciated ;D....and goes a long way..come south, you are welcome...
Well IBI2004, I for one have never seen La Merce, perhaps because it is a Barcelona fiesta. Going by that comment I take it that you live in the Barcelona area which is a cosmopolitan city and you would therefore be accepted. I, however, live in a inland rural part of Southern Cataluna where people from other areas are not necessarily accepted, and, in fact the Catalans here can be quite rude to us (even more so since the Brexit vote) We have attempted to become part of the community but they just don't want to know. So perhaps that could be why we differ on our views.
Just Wear a Smile
Two story 4 bedroom house suitable for naturists for sale southern Catalonia, Spain. pm for more information
kill the topic please
It is very hard to describe the inner enjoyment of being naked .
Hope I haven't stuck a stick in a wasps nest. In reply to my self, we have just got back from Fuerteventura, and like Voldermort we were made to feel very welcome, and also like Voldermort my pathetic Spanish was accepted with polite ammusment and patience.
[admin]It was a quite reasonable and relevant topic to raise Devman613 which unfortunately is drifting into politics which as we all know has the potential to get personal. Which is why I'm closing it down. [/admin]
"Try to live a good life. Don't be afraid to be what you are'. some bloke in the pub.