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Nude walking

26 Posts
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I am increasingly intrigued by the nude walkers on here, not least because - judging by the posts - it seems to be on the increase.

What sets lots of people apart on here, I think, is how brave (if that’s the right word) they all seem to be about the prospect of meeting textiles on their walks.

Three years ago I joined the Naked Ramblers on a walk for the first time, but haven’t done it since. It was a memorable experience, but I think I was unlucky that we had numerous encounters requiring cover-ups that day - none of them getting a negative reaction, however - and I made the mistake of choosing a walk so close to home that I thought I would bump into somebody I knew, at any moment.

It made me realise that the threat of ‘discovery’ spoiled it for me, but this doesn’t seem to be the case with many walkers on this forum, who seem to see it as an occupational hazard, trivial or even - dare I suggest it? - part of the appeal. By which I mean the threat of ‘discovery’ might add some adrenalin, or evoke a kind of defiance.

I am currently considering the very-early-in-the-morning approach so I can enjoy a nude walk but seriously reduce the prospect of meetings, although I am going to push the boat out during an upcoming holiday in Spain - mainly because I’ve been told meetings in the area are unlikely, and the local Spaniards aren’t likely to care much if they spot me.

I’m interested in others’ views on this topic, ie: what you really think about meeting textiles during walks, and does it put you off?

G (a ‘born naturist’) & J (who happens to be married to a naturist, but believes ‘When in Rome...’). See profile for details!

Posted : June 25, 2019 9:00 pm
Posts: 16
Active Member

I have a real fear of meeting textiles when I’m out and about on a nude walk. Because I am always alone, I’m scared that anyone I meet would automatically presume I was some flasher or pervert. So I restrict my walking to off-the-beaten-track areas that I know well. I’ve only ever once bumped into anyone while naked. It was a farmer in a tractor who just smiled and waved and drove away, although I was mortified that I’d been “spotted” and was terrified of coming across him again on the way back! The fear of bumping into people puts me off in a way, I’m constantly on edge that I’ll be spotted. I think if I was with another person I would probably feel braver, but I totally get where you’re coming from!

Posted : June 25, 2019 9:08 pm
Davey B
Posts: 325
Reputable Member

It used to bother me but I have been out with another naturist and mostly on my own. We/I have come across quite a few textiles now but it does not faze me any more but I think that is more down to legislation and I am after all not doing anything wrong - I'm out for a walk just like them the only difference is I choose not to wear anything. Most people I have met have been ok but there has also been exceptions but that is history, if anything now I am more regular in getting out naked whether it be walking or cycling. The more you get out the easier it becomes whether alone or accompanied - good luck though you won't need it.

Posted : June 25, 2019 10:57 pm
Posts: 164

I have a real fear of meeting textiles when I’m out and about on a nude walk. Because I am always alone, I’m scared that anyone I meet would automatically presume I was some flasher or pervert. So I restrict my walking to off-the-beaten-track areas that I know well. I’ve only ever once bumped into anyone while naked. It was a farmer in a tractor who just smiled and waved and drove away, although I was mortified that I’d been “spotted” and was terrified of coming across him again on the way back! The fear of bumping into people puts me off in a way, I’m constantly on edge that I’ll be spotted. I think if I was with another person I would probably feel braver, but I totally get where you’re coming from!

Hi StaffsBloke,  I go out for naked walks on my own quite frequently, and I do understand your fears about meeting textiles when walking alone.  And yes I’ve been called a pervert, flasher and worse by narrow minded bigots, but they’re only words, and I find it best not to start an argument or even talk to them, so I just ignore them and keep going.

I try to do my rambles away from where I live, so there’s less chance of being recognised or known.  I don’t go far away from home, about five to ten miles at most, it’s usually a short cycle ride, and I try to keep to some of the less popular footpaths, bridleways or even the edges of fields.  Unfortunately my area north Essex is not blessed with places like Dartmoor or the New forest, where you can walk for hours without meeting a sole.

I find early mornings are good, the earlier the better, but after 10am things start to change with dog walkers etc, and I certainly avoid any time after midday because even the quietest place becomes like piccadilly circus.  Weekends can be a pain, and so can school holidays, but even kids don’t get up that early.  If it’s raining you will find it will be quiet all day, and I just love walking naked in the rain, but wet skin makes it difficult to get dressed again, and I never seem to have a towel handy.

I admit after 10 years I still feel a little uneasy as I strip off, it’s a sort of fear and worry about being naked, alone and perhaps a little vulnerable.  There’s also a hint of naughtiness mixed with anxiety about not knowing what’s going to happen, or who you might see during your walk.  But I find those worries and fears soon disappear when you start to experience the excitement of being free of clothes, and naked to the world, whilst enjoying the sensation of the sun, wind or even rain against your naked body.

Just try to be positive and perhaps a little brazen when meeting someone, or at worst that unexpected crowd of hikers.  Just make sure you cover yourself, I use my hat or hand, I don’t bother about shorts or that skirt thing, they take to long to put on.  Don’t look them in the eye If you sense any animosity, just be polite, be safe, and keep going.
Remember, Life Is Short, Play Naked.

There’s Something Therapeutic About Being Naked

Posted : June 27, 2019 9:17 am
John Gw
Posts: 3395


.......... it does not faze me .........

At last - somebody using the correct word.

Do not do unto others as you would that they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same.
George Bernard Shaw, Maxims for Revolutionaries

Posted : June 27, 2019 2:03 pm
Posts: 93
Trusted Member

I did once have a bloke with his wife say to me "are you for real mate?"as I passed but I just gave a cheery wave and kept walking. 

I had clearly surprised her because I was wearing a t shirt (it was very windy) so it probably would have been less apparent until I was much closer and I saw her grab his arm and move closer - so he was probably reacting to her defensive behaviour, as much as anything else.

But generally people have been fine, even with young children.

It seems unlikely that anyone will actually follow you if you just wander off.

I have found that if you are nice to the dogs then the family are more at ease straight away.

Best to just be polite, don't engage with the angry ones and be nice to the nice ones.

Posted : September 1, 2019 10:04 am
Posts: 73
Trusted Member

Never been a fan of the"shirt cocking" as it is known when wearing a top and nothing else, it looks weird in my opinion and like wearing speedos when out rambling as some one else mentioned on this site it will probably get you more comments and looks than if you were naked.  If it's warm enough go naked if not put a top and bottom on.

Posted : September 1, 2019 8:52 pm
Posts: 13
Active Member

I am currently considering the very-early-in-the-morning approach so I can enjoy a nude walk but seriously reduce the prospect of meetings, although I am going to push the boat out during an upcoming holiday in Spain - mainly because I’ve been told meetings in the area are unlikely, and the local Spaniards aren’t likely to care much if they spot me.

I’m interested in others’ views on this topic, ie: what you really think about meeting textiles during walks, and does it put you off?

I’m absolutely with you on this. I don’t like confrontation, bumping into a neighbour or having to keep putting my shorts on and off. The earlier I go the longer I can walk without the likelihood of disruption and the more free I am to enjoy my walk.

I tend to go out just after dawn and can walk for 7 miles or so without a care.

Posted : September 1, 2019 11:14 pm
John Gw
Posts: 3395

Never been a fan of the"shirt cocking" as it is known when wearing a top and nothing else, it looks weird in my opinion and like wearing speedos when out rambling as some one else mentioned on this site it will probably get you more comments and looks than if you were naked.  If it's warm enough go naked if not put a top and bottom on.

My wife refers to them as "willy danglers" and in our opinion the only valid reason for wearing one is if it is cold or your shoulders are burning at a naturist location in which case you want either a fleece or a light but sun-prood shirt respectively.

Do not do unto others as you would that they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same.
George Bernard Shaw, Maxims for Revolutionaries

Posted : September 2, 2019 8:56 am
Posts: 218
Estimable Member

I usually cycle nude early morning to avoid textiles but I'm just back from my second solo nude walk, a 4 mile one. Shorter than I wanted but my back is playing up and didn't want to push my luck. I normally walk the route with Hillwalker from this forum.

Got to the car park at 06:30 and it was empty so I started off nude from there. Walked up the paths to the top of the hill and decided there to just head back to car park nearly 2 hours in total. All nude except for the last 20 mins or so as the dog walkers tend to be on the paths by then. I met one today but the shorts were on by that stage.

I walked the same place last Friday but did a few miles more. At the top of the hill, an older gent appeared from the opposite side I came up. He smiled, waved, wished me good morning, I did the same in return, and then he went off down another path. He was not in the least bothered by me being naked.

This has given a great boost in confidence in meeting a textile on my own for the first time. Hillwalker says this is often the reaction he gets, people are not always as bothered by nudity as we fear.


Posted : September 2, 2019 9:06 am
Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Hi Robert,

Sorry to have missed you there,  I didnt get up until the evening,  a rarity for me.  As you say,  the number of people who bump into us whilst nude is very few indeed and,  when you do,  there is rarely an issue.

Posted : September 2, 2019 9:54 am
Posts: 587
Honorable Member

There is not doubt that the first time you meet someone while walking naked it takes a steady nerve. It's obviously easier if there is more than one of you walking.  From there on it gets steadily easier as each time....



nothing happens.

I'm gradually getting bolder.  In the past I have walked from the beach to near the car but dressed before it gets to the busy bit.  Yesterday i walked all the way to the car, packed it, and drove home naked.  I was seen by probably half a dozen people, none of whom said a word.

Boundaries are there to be stretched!

Posted : September 2, 2019 7:40 pm
Corporal 1954
Posts: 148
Estimable Member

i fully undetstand, and share the concerns about being seen by textiles. I walk quite often and in my head I keep talking myself into being bold, then at the first sight of someone in the distance I pull the shorts on. This despite having a very posative reaction the one time I came face to face with a lone female hiker who could not have been more accepting.

Posted : September 2, 2019 11:27 pm
Posts: 899
Prominent Member

The more often you are seen, the less it will bother you. Some people want to be seen by textiles.

Posted : September 2, 2019 11:35 pm
Corporal 1954
Posts: 148
Estimable Member

I have no wish to be seen but I do want to become less concerned about that eventuality.

Posted : September 2, 2019 11:48 pm
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