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Free Styling

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I have just returned from my first time, what I am calling "free styling"
No clothes, no cover up, no back pack.
I stashed my clothes in a tree in a quiet part of Budby Common, hid the car keys and set off on my walk with the dog.
I walked for 2 hours like this and can honestly say it improves the experience ten fold, the extra sense of freedom is fantastic. I even considered going bare foot but given the amount of chestnut husks on the floor decided that was unwise.
I have done this on beaches before but not in my local forest.
On return to my hiding place it was dropping dark and let me tell you trees all look a like in the semi darkness.
Can not wait till tomorrow evening for my next walk.
If you've not tried it I'd advise you to give it a go.

Posted : October 9, 2019 7:29 pm
Posts: 218
Estimable Member

I did a 45 mins walk earlier this year from the holiday let cottage in Swaledale we were staying at. Waited until nearly dark and set off wearing walking boots, socks and a head torch. It was the first 'free styling' walk I'd done.

As you say, the increase in the enjoyment is amazing and despite hoping to do it again, I haven't managed it yet, only nude walks with clothes in a daysack.

There are a couple of old railway line paths that I have looked at doing later at night, so hopefully one of these days.


Posted : October 9, 2019 9:10 pm
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

I have just returned from my first time, what I am calling "free styling"
No clothes, no cover up, no back pack.
I stashed my clothes in a tree in a quiet part of Budby Common, hid the car keys and set off on my walk with the dog.
I walked for 2 hours like this and can honestly say it improves the experience ten fold, the extra sense of freedom is fantastic. I even considered going bare foot but given the amount of chestnut husks on the floor decided that was unwise.
I have done this on beaches before but not in my local forest.
On return to my hiding place it was dropping dark and let me tell you trees all look a like in the semi darkness.
Can not wait till tomorrow evening for my next walk.
If you've not tried it I'd advise you to give it a go.

I have just returned from my first time, what I am calling "free styling"
No clothes, no cover up, no back pack.
I stashed my clothes in a tree in a quiet part of Budby Common, hid the car keys and set off on my walk with the dog.
I walked for 2 hours like this and can honestly say it improves the experience ten fold, the extra sense of freedom is fantastic. I even considered going bare foot but given the amount of chestnut husks on the floor decided that was unwise.
I have done this on beaches before but not in my local forest.
On return to my hiding place it was dropping dark and let me tell you trees all look a like in the semi darkness.
Can not wait till tomorrow evening for my next walk.
If you've not tried it I'd advise you to give it a go.

I have done it many times during the day. I just leave home naked drive there naked get out of the car naked go for a walk without anything except for sandals, get back into the car naked and drive home naked. I agree it takes things to another level although after spending 4 months in Spain doing the same thing its starting to become normal. In Spain one day while crossing a main road naked the Guardia Civil stopped right at the side of me. I just waved them past when there was a break in the traffic and they just carried on past. It would be nice to think the same thing would happen here.

Posted : October 9, 2019 11:40 pm
Posts: 887

I have also done this many times over the years in many places, leaving the house naked without any clothes for either a local walk from the house, or drive to one of many in a 10 miles radius and walked for or an hour or so with the dog, at all times of the day. Rarely meeting anyone (probably 5 people in over 10 years ) and without issue.

I normally take my car keys with me and on one occasion, I didn't realise I had dropped them (they were hooked onto the dog lead and didn't realise they came unhooked) - took me another hour to find them, now they are always looped over a finger.

Posted : October 10, 2019 9:17 am
Posts: 207

Managed something similar on holiday in Tenerife last week. On a few mornings I was awake in the early hours (2 - 4 am approx.) so just left the appartment in the state I was (not even shoes), only holding the key card to let myself back in. Walked around for about half an hour on each occasion - a great sense of freedom. Not much happening at that time but there are still people about - the odd car and taxi and I even came across the dustcart doing its daily round.

Posted : October 10, 2019 10:41 am
Posts: 510

I have only done it once at 02:00 a moon light walk around the block, and with all the lights off at 2am would be very easy to do. It was only .3 of a mile, but it felt nice not to carry any clothes with me to cover up, it's a wee bit daring, but that's why it's exciting.

Posted : October 10, 2019 5:45 pm
Posts: 164

Free styling is something that Louise and I enjoy doing.  It just feels so good to walk naked without being encumbered with bags etc, and it gives you freedom, and a strange excitement, which certainly gets the adrenalin going. 

We try and park in places where we can strip off before leaving our vehicle, but if it’s not possible to do that, we’ll wear the minimum of clothing and strip off once we get away from the madding crowd. 
The only things we wear are trainers, boots or even sandals depending on the terrain.  We never go barefoot these days, because a few years ago I got an inch long thorn in the sole of my foot, which involved A&E, a scalpel and a few stitches, but that’s another painful story.

Although I say Louise and I go for these walks, I do go out on my own quite frequently.
Unfortunately when I’m on my own I do feel a bit anxious for a while, mainly because I have the fear of being seen someone I might know, although I don’t worry about people I don’t know.  Thankfully those fears soon disappear after the first ¼ mile or so.

Unfortunately this year Louise and I managed to get lost on one of these naked walks, so we couldn’t find our clothes or even our camper van, which is not much fun when you’re naked, cold and wet from the rain.
We were in the New Forest, an area we don’t know that well, and our plan was to walk down a wide fire break path between a plantation of conifer trees, an area we had checked out a day beforehand.  The car park was busy that evening, so we stashed our clothes in a bag which we hid in a tree, and started our naked walk from there.  We knew the path split several times so we always kept to the left hand path so we could find our way back. 
We walked further than intended, and the path eventually took us into a huge open space which we explored for a while.  The day was drawing in, it was starting to feel chilly and the sun had disappeared behind some very dark clouds, so we decided to make our way back. 

This is where our problems started, because we suddenly realised there were several paths, and which path was our path.  Added to that problem it had now started to rain, so we took cover under the canopy of some trees.  It rained hard for about ½ an hour, and even under the trees we were getting wet, and the chilly breeze on our wet skin was making us shiver.

We sort of jogged, and walked briskly to keep some sort of warmth in our bodies, as we went up and down paths for well over an hour until we saw a landmark, a painted tree stump.  From there we made it back to the camper van, and because it was almost dark we couldn’t find our clothes bag.
Thankfully we were able to get back into the camper because I have always had a spare key in a hidden compartment on the camper for occasions like this  Once warm, dry and clothed, we managed to find our hidden clothes bag with the aid of a torch, and it is strange how all trees look the same in the dark. 

I relay this incident because it may forewarn someone about what might happen, or even give them a laugh.
We learnt a lot that day, and it certainly hasn’t put us off our naked walks, but it certainly made us more cautious in areas we don’t know that well, especially when you’ve got absolutely nothing with you. 

There’s Something Therapeutic About Being Naked

Posted : October 11, 2019 2:19 pm
Posts: 665
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Thanks for that, made me smile.
I gave it another go yesterday but this time picked a memorable tree. Funnily enough the dog went to it before me this time. Didn't the day before though when I needed her help.

Posted : October 11, 2019 4:20 pm
Posts: 303
Reputable Member

There are plenty of woods and forests where I live.  When I am out walking the dog, sometimes I will leave the path and enter the woods, strip off and walk naked where it is unlikely others will follow.

So far, there have been no mishaps on walks near home but a couple of years ago when walking naked in the woods on holiday, a clothed couple out walking suddenly appeared in front of me. I had no time to cover up so I said hello and they returned my greeting. They continued their walk as if my nakedness didn't exist.   

I love being in my skin

Posted : October 11, 2019 5:25 pm
Posts: 665
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Third day in a row now.
looks like another bloody addiction I cant shake.  😉

Posted : October 11, 2019 7:28 pm