
Petition: That the ...
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Petition: That the traditional extent of the Naturist Vera Playa be maintained.

6 Posts
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John Gw
Posts: 3395
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Copied from a BN post by Garibaldi Nick (with permission)

Petition link

I have been requested to share this petition by the President of the Spanish Naturist Federation (FEN).

The authorities want to use the opportunity of the building of a breakwater (which is supported) to reduce the length of beach traditionally used by Naturists. This is unwanted and unnecessary. 


That the traditional extension of the naturist beach of Vera be maintained.

The municipality of Vera is known worldwide as a benchmark in Spain for naturist tourism that annually attracts thousands of people eager to enjoy its beaches and facilities in full contact with nature. This has led to consider Vera as the "world capital of nudism" (Ideal 21.7.2013) and its Beaches by the City Council itself as "the paradise of naturism" worldwide (Diario de Almería 24.1.2014).

For many years the practice of naturism in Vera-Playa is something not only common, but also historical. Already on April 9, 1979, the then Civil Governor of Almería authorized its practice on the beaches of the town. From that moment when it was “regularized”, naturism was practiced in the beach area between the Camino de los Tres Olivos (now the Zímbali hotel) and the limit of the municipality of Cuevas de Almanzora.

This "regularization" led to the construction of multiple naturist developments, catering establishments, camping, hotel, recreation area, sports areas, etc. Even wandering through the outer streets of these urbanizations, it is normal and usual to meet their inhabitants and visitors, walking their dogs, going to the beach and any other “normal” activity, completely naked, without implying an impact of any kind.

We also highlight that, throughout the coastline, the coexistence between naturism practitioners and those who do not practice it is, therefore, peaceful throughout this area that, but the Secretary of State for the Environment has presented a project for the construction of a breakwater (which we support) but which aims to serve as an artificial limit to the naturist and textile areas, reducing the naturist beach by about 500 meters, without us understanding why a beach protection project comes to consider and intend to regulate the uses of the beach, presenting a problem WHERE THERE IS NO SUCH PROBLEM.

What we ask is that the phrase "make a clear difference between the nudist and non-nudist areas of this beach area" is removed from the project description. 

Do not do unto others as you would that they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same.
George Bernard Shaw, Maxims for Revolutionaries

Posted : February 10, 2021 3:20 pm
Pete7771 reacted
Posts: 321
Reputable Member

I've never been to Vera Playa but with a 1km length of beach it is high on my list of 'must visit' places once the current situation eases.  What a pity if this proposal gets the go-ahead and naturism is restricted - I've signed the petition.

Posted : February 10, 2021 8:46 pm
Posts: 351
Super Member

We spemt great days in Vera Playa and love beaches in Andalucia (mostly Cabo de Gata).

So just signed and shared the news in our Italian naturist association A.N.ITA

Alessandro and Lidia

Posted : February 11, 2021 8:51 am
Posts: 92
Trusted Member



Posted : February 11, 2021 12:36 pm
sussex nudists
Posts: 473
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Posted : February 11, 2021 1:13 pm
Posts: 156
Estimable Member

Has there been any further news or updates?

Posted : May 8, 2022 7:33 pm