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Best parking for Winterton Dunes

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  which is the best parking spot for going to Winterton Dunes?


Looking at the map, there are two parking on the beach: one south,1.6787308,15z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x47d0aa2ecef65e1b:0xf8e429d7807217f9!2sWinterton+Dunes!3b1!8m2!3d52.7264355!4d1.6874856!3m4!1s0x47d0a98961612937:0x48c2a651fe015c67!8m2!3d52.7176502!4d1.6981816


and one north,1.6523594,1139m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x47d0aa2ecef65e1b:0xf8e429d7807217f9!2sWinterton+Dunes!3b1!8m2!3d52.7264355!4d1.6874856!3m4!1s0x47d0ab9ede47f543:0xa6c606cf8ba9c186!8m2!3d52.7596569!4d1.6520865


By reading around, it seems that the south one is the best option. How far is the naturist section of the beach? Is it up north correct?

Posted : March 27, 2021 9:55 am
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Posts: 286
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Last summer we parked at the one at Winterton Gap. We were charged about £5 for the day with a very pleasant group of people looking after things which made me feel that it was worth it for the security. It is then a pleasant walk through the reserve to the naturist beach.

Only happy when naked

Posted : March 27, 2021 12:55 pm
Posts: 156
Estimable Member

Personally, “Horsey Gap” car park may be the best to go for, but you will soon work out that the naturist section is almost the same distance between both car parks! This is because textile families stay close to the amenities which are close to the car parks. So once you have come south from Horsey Gap and passed the seals sunbathing, then you will encounter a lot less textiles and have more freedom! The seals are usually found around groynes 42-43, with the official demarcation for the naturist section between groynes 47-55. Either way, it is a great location and a great beach to roam free of clothing on a beautiful sunny day! Just be mindful that if you go skinny dipping, you may be watched only by curious seals which come within about 20 feet of you! As I have said before on NC, a great beach for naturists and naturalist together!

Posted : March 27, 2021 2:15 pm
sunnydays reacted
Posts: 48
Eminent Member

Hi, Just wondering...

Where do you get this information of "the official demarcation for the naturist section between groynes 47-55. " . As far as I am aware, there ie no such thing as an "official" area or demarcation (unless I have missed something recently?). It is just the area where naturists have traditionally tended to go. You will often see naturists much nearer to Winterton in the summer peak.


Posted : March 28, 2021 8:10 am
Posts: 156
Estimable Member

@norfolkoldie to be honest, I cannot remember! Before I went there last year based out of Caister and found out there was a naturist beach at Winterton, I investigated to see exactly where and somewhere on the web I found out about the groynes being numbered and the area that was for naturists. I went a couple of times and on the second visit had the whole section to myself as it was warm but misty! Had a great skinny dip then walked towards “55” to dry my front and then walked back to the Horsey Gap car park getting as far as 42 drying my back before coming across some pesky textiles watching the seals resting on the beach! 😎

Posted : March 28, 2021 9:44 am
Posts: 48
Eminent Member


The seals are becoming a bit of a "menace". Not the seals themselves, but rather the large number of people who come to see them! This spring, during pupping time, they spread all along the beach right down to Winterton. As a lot of the popular part of the beach at Winterton itself has been destroyed by erosion over winter (the café has been demolished as it was about to fall into the sea),  I expect a lot more textiles will now be moving up the beach towards the naturist area where the sand still exists and the tide does not come in so far… 


Posted : March 28, 2021 10:04 am
Posts: 156
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Posted by: @norfolkoldie

... As far as I am aware, there ie no such thing as an "official" area or demarcation (unless I have missed something recently?). It is just the area where naturists have traditionally tended to go. You will often see naturists much nearer to Winterton in the summer peak.

I'm sure I read, quite recently, that all beaches in Waveney District are clothing optional.  I could be wrong.

Posted : March 28, 2021 7:01 pm