Always naked bodies in ourhouse when young a big farm house solots o space had two sisters anda bro oftensome one running aboutnaked mum took us to majorca often dad had to stayfor animals we hadgreat time being together swimming andsuch with mum seemed so naturalall being naked and we sion got that all over tan happy days
I am always naked at home and have just told my neighbours and friends that i am a nudist so much easier haven't got to run and dress if they knock the front door and can be naked in the garden with no worries
So good for you
We are always naked at home, as soon as I get in from work of comes the clothes and that is it for the rest of the day unless we have to pop out. In a perfect world clothes would be optional but hey we know that will never happen well not my life time.
Life is to short, live it to the full and sod the consequences.