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Article in the sun

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You can't believe everything you read, I have been on this walk before and they strip off out of sight of the school and the pub and were very careful to dress before getting near the village so as not to upset anyone. This article cannot be true because you definitely cannot be seen in the field where they stripped off. the woman must have followed them out of the village to where they stripped off. This group is very careful not to upset anyone especially as it is such a small village. Once on the walk it is very unusual to meet anyone and people are asked to dress even when passing a building hundreds of yards away.

Posted : June 14, 2021 8:51 am
Bn252525, Jon Tanner, Stewart and 1 people reacted
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
Honorable Member

Given the hysterical quotes attributed to the woman who took the pictures, it isn't hard to believe she did exactly as you've suggested, plus, you know, it's The Sun.

Posted : June 14, 2021 9:04 am
Stewart reacted
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This from the walk leader who has given me permission to reproduce it.
We did this route a few weeks ago but there was 24 of us, not 10. Ive not heard of anyone else doing a walk that way so it was probably us. Isnt it typical how these people like to twist a story. To be fair, we normally would undress across the road once in the copse but due to the exceptional amount of mud we undressed at the bottom of the hill and moved quickly on. Yes its next to the School playing fields, but as you leave the graveyard you can see into the school grounds and there was no children in the area. They was all inside the school and the only way anyone at the school could have seen us they would have had to walked 100yds to the end of the school grounds then climb a fence and 20ft of bushes and trees and risk life n limb to peer over.
We saw the lady follow us down from the church yard and stop 50yds away because we acknowledged her as we left the field. She is a very good liar as she was definitely on her own unless she had her two boys in her handbag. We have walked that route quite a few times before and i actually think she was one of the three ladies we passed chatting in the graveyard who followed us down. We actually bumped into a group of ladies with under school age children about 20 mins later and quickly covered up until out of sight, even though a couple of ladies said it was ok, we neednt have bothered.
Gutter press with a story out of nothing again.
Posted : June 14, 2021 9:36 am
pjcomp, Ricky_D61, Jon Tanner and 2 people reacted
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As ever The Sun does not let facts get in the way of a story designed to titillate and enrage at the same time. We shouldn't forget how Sun reporters hid behind gravestones at the funerals of Hillsborough victims, and its part in phone hacking. Pleasing though to see that its circulation has fallen from more than three million to just 500,000 and owner Murdoch has revalued it at zero financially.

Posted : June 15, 2021 8:20 am
Bn252525 and Ricky_D61 reacted
Posts: 945

@somerset - like all print media, "circulation" figures are an outdated measure as it refers to physical product when most media consumption is now electronic and online. While internet  page viewing figures are difficult to  come by they're also unreliable as a guide to what people read and whether they actually read it - but I suspect the Sun online is seen by many more than the printed Sun is or ever was.

Noli illegitimi te carborundum

Posted : June 15, 2021 12:30 pm
JohnAdmin reacted
Posts: 89
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Posted by: @pjelec

@somerset - like all print media, "circulation" figures are an outdated measure as it refers to physical product when most media consumption is now electronic and online. While internet  page viewing figures are difficult to  come by they're also unreliable as a guide to what people read and whether they actually read it - but I suspect the Sun online is seen by many more than the printed Sun is or ever was.

Circulation figures were never that meaningful but the fact remains that Murdoch now values the title  at zero. That's the most telling thing.


Posted : June 17, 2021 7:35 am
Posts: 369

There should be no expectation of fairness, balance, logic or even truth from the media – that isn't how money is made. Balanced information is boring and often takes a lot of effort to understand. What you get from the media is entertainment. Plus, the human body is a favourite for the marketing business - so expect to see lots of controversy about nudity. It isn't the media's business to inform or be honest. I personally think that's reprehensible, but that's the way things will stay as long as the majority are happy to pay for it.

Posted : June 17, 2021 3:03 pm
martin tacey reacted
Posts: 79
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Unlike the original sun, the newspaper provides heat, but rarely, illumination.

Posted : June 17, 2021 6:48 pm
andylgc reacted
Posts: 624

I wouldn't even be sure that what was sent to the sun wasn't rewritten by a "reporter" to make a "better" story

Posted : June 19, 2021 8:14 am