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thunderstorm walk

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Another bright warm sunny day here and getting home from work its close and sticky hot.

Unable to go naked at home I lose the work attire and wearing just loose shorts and a tshirt I potter around the house and garden for a while.

Looking up at the sky there is a definite build-up of clouds around 7pm and I decided to venture out for a walk.

Walking with my dog across country in an beautiful early evening there are a few rumbles of thunder in the distance and the smell of rain in the air. Always a fantastic feeling when you can sense an approaching storm.

It's still hot and still wearing just my shorts and tshirt, but equipped with walking boots I decided to make the most of the moments and head for a nearby hill that has a woodland along one side.

I always find being outdoors on such occasions to be a thrilling experience.
So as it started to shower with light rain It felt wonderfully refreshing after the hot evening and despite my unsuitable dress the light droplets of rain failed to have much impact due to the warm air. 

After following a footpath uphill and across a field, the stile over a wall leads into a path that skirts the woodland.

There is a definite marked footpath, although it is very little used and consequently quite overgrown.  A few footprints in the mud indicate that someone passed this way relatively recently, but it could have been this morning or even a day or so ago as there was little evidence of recent walkers.

By now its raining steadily and my wet clothes were discarded as they were no longer offering much use against the downpour.

So tucking them out of the wet as much as possible under a holly bush I walked on feeling the warm summer rain against my bare skin and loving the literally electric atmosphere.

A crack of thunder just as this shot was taken made me look up as it seemed to right overhead!

following the wet grassy path there is a bit of the path that is almost constantly wet even during the driest periods of summer as it washes down off the moorland above into marshy areas below the paths line along the hillside. Here rushes and marshland flowers bloom in abundance and it is a lovely place to visit.

Despite the pouring rain and thunderstorm the air is still very warm and the wet woodland surroundings are a true naturist adventure.

Reaching a muddy area I plunge in without having to be concerned about wet boots and the like and walk straight in ankle deep at first.

Another couple of steps and despite knowing how much of a wet land it is I am surprised as I sink to my shins on one step. Leaning forwards to gain purchase against a rock I step on and leave very obvious bare footprints as I walk up to a grassy area under the trees that shower me with warm rain drops.
I stand and experience the feeling of exposure to the natural elements. My clothes a good 20 minutes walk away and that feeling of freedom that my naked walks bring.

The downpour turns into a deluge as the thunderstorm reaches its peak and I step into a clearing and wash off the mud from the path under the world biggest natural shower ..

Absolutely fantastic!..

As the first streams of sunlight appear on the horizon I decided that I have gone far enough and start my return journey. Climbing up the hillside on all fours I reach a higher path that skirts the open moorland. Not something I would normally do in the open, but under the circumstances the only people likely to be out are probably as mad as I am, so it wouldn't matter ! 🙂

I walks happily along the path in the rain as herd of cows stroll into view ahead, with a few calves among their number. As I I'm not carrying a lead for my dog I decided to skirt around them and drop back down into the woodland before heading back to where I left my wet clothes.

They are utterly soaked and ringing out my tshirt it seams slightly incongruous to put it on. So I carry everything back up to the wall, where the open field leads back to the road.

As its in full view should anyone drive past I have little choice despite the HUGE desire to not bother and just walk back home naked... If anyone asks.. well I'm wet anyway so what does it matter ? Sadly that didn't happen and I squelched back home  as the weather eased to a steady rain.

Just like Gene Kelly I paddle through the deepest puddles. The torrent of water flowing down the edge of the road provide a huge grin as I revel in the total experience of being outdoors in such amazing conditions. Everyone back on the road where I live is obviously indoors in front of the television probably tutting to themselves about our crap English summers.. And yet i have just had one of the best experiences that there is. We should celebrate our climate and revel in its natural beauty. This green and pleasant land wouldn't be quite so lush if it weren't for the summer downpours

I shower when I get home and chill with a glass of Rioja feeling happy and relaxed. ]

What a perfect end to the day ! 🙂

the soft wind on my naked body and the cool earth under my bare feet

Posted : June 23, 2009 10:45 pm
Posts: 530
Honorable Member

I must say your dog takes some grat photo's. 😮

Keep On Smiling:)


Posted : June 25, 2009 9:29 pm