The Message system provides a safe way to communicate directly with other members of the forum. Messages you send and receive via PM are private and can only be viewed by you and the forum member(s) you’re corresponding with. By sending a message and then getting a reply you can create a ‘conversation‘ between yourself and...
Category: Personal Messages
Personal Messages – sending a message
There are several ways you can start a message to another member: Search for the Member in the Members List and then click on the small envelope icon near their Username On their Profile page click on the blue Send A Message button Click on their Username anywhere it is shown in Posts or Topics in...
Personal Messages – receiving and replying to messages
When another member send you a message and you are off-line you will receive an email notification. If you are online in the Forum and someone sends a message then you will get a Blue Banner Notification in the top right of your screen. An Orange number will also appear next to the Search...