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Studland Beach

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Great place for nudists, went there with my wife. I stripped off but she did not, lots of people there. Was a great experience, enjoyed th swim and walk down the beach, did not feel embarrassed at all. Camped at Corf castle, so spent 3 days there, nude whenever I could.

Posted : May 17, 2017 2:33 pm
Surreynudes reacted
Posts: 3
New Member

Hi All,

I'm a "returning naturist", having grown up in a naturist family, but my wife is very much new to it all.

We recently visited Studland beach (the naturist area of course), and whilst we had an overall enjoyable time, there are a few things that struck me as "off".

At first there were a few older guys who just seemed to be doing laps between the couples, getting closer and closer each time, until one guy literally stepped on the bottom of my towel.

Another guy was walking around wearing a cock ring, and yet another was quite obviously taking photos of others on his smartphone.

Did I just pick a bad day to visit (bank holiday weekend), or is this the norm for this beach? Seems such a shame if it is, as otherwise it's a beautiful beach, and most people were very nice and respectful.

I won't mention the "meerkats" in the dunes, as we steered clear or the dunes entirely in case there was any untoward activity taking place (bar the walk down the path to get to the beach). A fair few textiles wear walking along the beach, but seemed better behaved than the aforementioned (who were all undressed).

Ironically my wife was completely oblivious to all this, so perhaps I was just being over-observant, but I don't remember this sort of thing from my youth.

Perhaps this happens in all public naturist areas, and I was just oblivious as a younger person. Would be good to hear others' opinions.


Posted : August 31, 2017 6:40 pm
Posts: 7
Active Member

Hi everyone .
I know exactly what you mean. We fell in love with naturism after trying an all over tan for the first time last year.
We are heading down to studland tomorrow to hit the beach on Saturday. We have learnt to ignore the pervs which I have to say are on the increase. I take you you follow the path to the beach and find a spot quite close to the path. This is where they tend to congregate so turn right and try further down. Don't be afraid to say excuse me but we would like a little privacy and if they have a camera out then take your phone out and start taking pictures of them and say that's for the police.
Please don't give up on the beach it is beautiful and we can't let these sad perverts win


Posted : August 31, 2017 8:50 pm
Andrew J reacted
Posts: 3
New Member

Thanks for the reply, and the advice Rich. You're right; we pretty much dropped our towels as soon as we got to the beach, by the beverage van (I hope she has her generator working now!).

Will try to the right next time. Is there a "code" I'm unaware of for this beach?

Hope you enjoy your trip 🙂


Posted : August 31, 2017 8:57 pm
Posts: 7
Active Member

From what I understand to left of the path is the homosexualsection, centre is a free for all. To the right is heterosexual. However the meerkats (perverts stay close to the path on the headland because they get a thrill watching both men and women so venture a little further away.
One thing we have sadly learnt whilst being 50 to 100 yards away from the path, is be careful when you strike up a conversation with other couples. Very sadly all too often this year they were swingers and that spoilt our stay when you thought how nice it is to talk to others about your new found freedom of being naked without embarrassment only to asked if you want to meet up later !

We are determined not to give in our favourite beach to these people but just be aware.

Ps. The generator was breaking down last year to !!

Posted : August 31, 2017 10:04 pm
Posts: 1137
Noble Member

All the above is why I have almost given up on UK naturism.

'I figure life's a gift and I don't intend wasting it. You never know what hand you're gonna get dealt next.' Titanic.'Shine as a glow worm if you cannot as a star.' Thomas Andrews, shipbuilder.
'We'll miss the matinee but we'll make the night show.' The Greatest Show on Earth 1952.

Posted : September 1, 2017 5:36 pm
Posts: 369
Reputable Member

Newbie naturist friends tried Studland out for the first time the other day and had a wonderful experience of it and can't wait to go back.  Sorry you went on a bad day.

Posted : September 1, 2017 6:29 pm
Posts: 3
New Member

Thanks everyone. We'll definitely give it another go, if September offers us some more good weather 🙂


Posted : September 2, 2017 6:46 am
Posts: 5
Active Member

sorry to hear you've had a bad experience, but sadly yes; the annoyances are becoming more apparent, however the cock ring thing has been there for 20 years that i can recollect.  I pay very little attention to it these days.  I generally position myself to the right near the refreshment van, seems to get less idiots there.

My wife stopped going for the very reasons you cite and i am left to going there on my own.  Hence i definitely feel your angst, as it permanently ruined mine.  So when i'm there i tend not to give these idiots any space for manouvre.

Posted : October 17, 2017 4:42 pm
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

From what I understand to left of the path is the homosexualsection, centre is a free for all. To the right is heterosexual. However the meerkats (perverts stay close to the path on the headland because they get a thrill watching both men and women so venture a little further away.
One thing we have sadly learnt whilst being 50 to 100 yards away from the path, is be careful when you strike up a conversation with other couples. Very sadly all too often this year they were swingers and that spoilt our stay when you thought how nice it is to talk to others about your new found freedom of being naked without embarrassment only to asked if you want to meet up later !

We are determined not to give in our favourite beach to these people but just be aware.

Ps. The generator was breaking down last year to !!

What is wrong with someone asking you if you want to do things, that is the way that people find out who are like minded. I am a straight married guy and I walk naked a lot, I am often asked by homosexuals if I would like this or that sexual act. I just smile and say I am flattered but I am married to a woman so no thank you. But, I have also said on many occasions I have no objection to you walking with me if you want to chat. so long as you do not ask me again. On numerous occasions I have been accompanied for several miles and had some very interesting conversations with intelligent friendly people. If you don't give people a chance you never get the opportunity to understand them.

Posted : October 17, 2017 7:36 pm
Posts: 369

What is wrong with someone asking you if you want to do things, that is the way that people find out who are like minded. I am a straight married guy and I walk naked a lot, I am often asked by homosexuals if I would like this or that sexual act.

It's a problem because it reinforces the idea that being naked is an invitation to have sex. Or do you get asked if you "would like this or that sexual act" in clothed contexts too, e.g. on the high street etc?

Posted : October 17, 2017 10:40 pm
Posts: 1137
Noble Member

It is one of the primary reasons that naturism has a dubious repute still in the minds of much of the public and why there are fewer and fewer families in the pursuit in the UK. When naturist beaches are used as a theme park by individuals in looking for a brand of sexual gratification what is the point of even trying to pursue naturism here? Might as well give it up as a lost cause and just go abroad where I have been alone on a beach for a couple of hours with no hassle whatsoever.  Why is asking somebody you don't know if they are interested in sex more acceptable while naked than clothed?

'I figure life's a gift and I don't intend wasting it. You never know what hand you're gonna get dealt next.' Titanic.'Shine as a glow worm if you cannot as a star.' Thomas Andrews, shipbuilder.
'We'll miss the matinee but we'll make the night show.' The Greatest Show on Earth 1952.

Posted : October 17, 2017 10:47 pm
Posts: 369
Reputable Member

When naturist beaches are used as a theme park by individuals in looking for a brand of sexual gratification what is the point of even trying to pursue naturism here?

Until we grow up about nudity as a nation then this mess will prevail.
Utterly depressing.

Posted : October 17, 2017 11:07 pm
Posts: 7
Active Member

hi Gildo
My problem with the invasion of Swingers at Studland doesn’t bother me in the slightest. In fact I am sure it wouldn’t disturb 99% percent of male naturists. My problem however is the way my wife and for that matter most wives who are brave enough to bare all. Having spoken to several male naturists, the story of “sadly the wife doesn’t feel comfortable so I have to go to the beach alone” seems quite common. I therefore feel lucky that my wife originally tried naturism in the first place to keep me happy. Now she enjoys the lifestyle, I do not wish to let her enjoyment be spoilt by the prowling perverts that make her feel uncomfortable.

I can understand your outlook on the matter but sadly I can see many wives been turned against naturism if it appears that the beach is nothing but one big wife swapping party

Posted : November 29, 2017 4:56 pm
Posts: 191

The recent comments on this topic are interesting, as everybody has a different tolerance level of what is acceptable to them about any overt activity, this obviously also applies to naturism itself as far as non-naturists are concerned.

This might be a naive question but in the absence of any overt sexual activity how does anyone know whether any particular couple are 'swingers' unless you strike up a conversation with them? If then the topic comes up you can politely make it known that such activity is not on your agenda. That does not mean that you should view them as lower beings, only maybe ones that you do not wish to associate with.

There are however indeed pests who have no respect for anyone else except their own self-gratification. These you can usually spot a mile away and you can make your feelings known or take alternative action.

Such activities are not confined to the UK as many of us know and some places are worse than others. This is probably why most naturist areas are away from immediate public access. This serves a number of purposes not least of which is that it takes a greater amount of effort to get there, also, anyone making the effort is highly conspicuous long before they reach the area.

Body language can tell you a lot about a person's intended behaviour just as in any walk of life. For instance, on beaches frequented by homosexuals, they can probably read immediately by your body language whether you are interested in them or not. Personally, I have never been approached in this regard so I guess my vibes are not what they are seeking.

Posted : November 29, 2017 6:22 pm
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