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Naked walks in Sherwood Forest

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Posted by: @tribalbrit

Can't remember last time I saw any children up that end of the forest.


Those censorious authoritarian types never let the truth get in the way of a good bout of huff and puff disgust.

Posted : May 24, 2021 6:41 pm
gildo reacted
Posts: 348
Reputable Member

@tribalbrit - better get the foot checked out. My son had a similar problem and it turned out to be a stress fracture, needed a big foam boot for a month or so.

Posted : May 25, 2021 5:14 pm
Posts: 665
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Thanks for that.

Strange enough I had cause to go to Worksop this afternoon, on my way home the sun had come out and car thermometer said 15 degrees so I decided to see if my foot would loosen up. Parked up, stripped off and walked for just over an hour. At first it was quite stiff but after a while loosened up and the pain eased a little.

I have been avoiding walking and limping when I did. Will see how it feels in the morning. I'm thinking crap walking boots or worn out.

I was thinking the other day. I've had these boots for more than 2 years so a conservative estimate of say 600 days use x 4 miles, again a conservative estimate would mean that these boots have walked more than 2400 miles. I used to have a motorbike that used tyres quicker than that. 

Thanks again.

Posted : May 25, 2021 7:09 pm
Posts: 665
Honorable Member

Just returned from a couple.of hours in Sherwood forest, very quiet today as it was yesterday too. Met another naturist yesterday and chatted for 10 minutes, saw no one else.

Today as  I headed home I crossed over the hill on the South Common and a dog Walker, Dalmatian and some mastive type broke his neck to get close enough to me to take a photo, I had my back to him so carried on my way. As I circumnavigated the South Common I saw him again hanging around the big tree, this time I could tell he was anoid by his body language. Luckily there was no clear path between us  or I think he would have come straight at me, again he was taking photos. He ran across the top of the hill to cut me off as he presumed I would be going that way but my car was parked on the main road so  I hoped over the style and disappeared fom his view.

Be warned if you see a guy with a Dalmatian and a large mastive type dog avoid him. I could be wrong and he might have just wanted a chat but I don't think so his body language was very aggressive 

Posted : May 29, 2021 8:34 pm
Posts: 833
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Thanks for the warning.

Posted : May 29, 2021 10:38 pm
Posts: 113
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Anyone free to walk Tomorrow morning? If so drop me a message 😊

Posted : June 1, 2021 5:47 pm
Posts: 113
Estimable Member

Had a lovely walk with @gildoo yesterday afternoon.

We walked for one hour and the Weather turned out beautiful towards the end. Was a really nice walk and can't wait to go again. 

Posted : June 7, 2021 10:51 am
Stewart reacted
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Posted : June 7, 2021 10:52 am
Stewart reacted
The Tibetan Hat
Posts: 569
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Just back from a superb time out on the heath today. I don't usually go in the middle of the day and found a few more people out there than I'm used to. Mostly managed to avoid them by diverting down one path or another, except for one group of who surprised me coming around a corner on a quiet stretch where I didn't have much choice but to stand well aside to let them go by. At first sight of me they doubled over laughing but then one of them approached me and it turned out they were three young female nurses who were taking three or four mentally disabled people for a walk. That made me a bit nervous at first as to which way it was going to go, but they were fine, very friendly-like she said 'hello, er, what was going on?' and I ended up chatting with them for a short while, they assumed I was a 'nudist' and asked me about naked use of the common, wanted to know how many there might be and if any women do it too, and I gave a brief explanation of the RSPB policy. Quite a positive interaction all in all, they were curious and happy enough to find out about it, not in the least put off. Their patients didn't seem to notice anything different about me.

Nice when people actually want to know more rather than pretend you don't exist - although I'm fine with that too, their choice.

The next three miles I didn't meet anyone, and by then it was so so lovely I had a hard time pulling myself away, would have spent all day there if I could. Then what was a refreshing all over breeze during the walk becoming a full on headwind on a hot day for my bike ride home. Glad to get home after that.

Posted : June 7, 2021 2:57 pm
tribalbrit, Ricky_D61, gildo and 3 people reacted
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I too have been out this evening, it was very quiet for the two hours I was out, did a figure of eight across the common, into the woodland to the west and back over the common Saw a few folk on the way back nearer the car park but no problems.

Did see a guy having a picnic in his car just off the cycle path, not sure how he got his car there though.

Had dog with me today as seamed  a bit cooler, brushed her three times before heading home, bloody tics. And a new pair of boots. Foot still giving me jip though but if I rest up it stiffens up and makes it worse.

I must say I'm loving this weather.

Posted : June 7, 2021 9:14 pm
Posts: 113
Estimable Member

10th of June. 

Morning all, 

Would anyone like to go walking this Thursday? If so please drop me a message 😁

Posted : June 8, 2021 10:33 am
Posts: 833
Prominent Member

I had a lovely 12.25 mile naked walk in Sherwood Forest in the sunshine with a friend who drove 2.5 hours to walk with me this morning. There weren't many people about but we passed 4 guys just after we passed one of the new notices bout naturism. 3 or them gave us a pleasant hello but the other guy said bloody perverts. So I said there is a notice just in front of you where it asks you to show some tolerance and respect to people, so please show some to us. Other people we met were very pleasant.

Posted : June 8, 2021 8:39 pm
Bn252525, Stewart, tribalbrit and 1 people reacted
Posts: 665
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Posted by: @dgildoo

I had a lovely 12.25 mile naked walk in Sherwood Forest in the sunshine with a friend who drove 2.5 hours to walk with me this morning. There weren't many people about but we passed 4 guys just after we passed one of the new notices bout naturism. 3 or them gave us a pleasant hello but the other guy said bloody perverts. So I said there is a notice just in front of you where it asks you to show some tolerance and respect to people, so please show some to us. Other people we met were very pleasant.

I see there are now more notices up than there were before. Weren't any on the cycle path initially.

I was out for just short of 3 hours this evening. I met David the warden as I set off and had a chat and discussed my experience of a few days back. He was grateful for  the information. He also informed me why the cows may not be on the common this year and noted how different the common looked due their absence, longer grass and more wild flowers for starters.

I saw another naturist as I headed for home, no one I've met before, I waved but didn't stop as I was already late for tea and a bollocking was imminent. I just don't want to go home when the weather is so good.

The new boots are breaking in nicely, still limping though, decided it was the 3 and half mile bare foot on Spurn point Beach that has caused my problem.

Posted : June 8, 2021 10:15 pm
Bn252525, gildo and Stewart reacted
Posts: 113
Estimable Member

Would anyone be interested in joining me on a.walk Tomorrow? I've only walked the area a few times so I'm not too confident with the area.

Posted : June 9, 2021 12:57 pm
Posts: 113
Estimable Member

Another lovely walk yesterday with two other Naturist. We did just over 6 miles in total, the Weather was perfect, overcast but still very warm! We only saw about 4 people all afternoon. Can't wait to go again and it was nice to go walking with new people. 

Posted : June 11, 2021 8:44 am
Andrew J, Stewart and gildo reacted
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