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Nude on the golf course

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Painter Man
Posts: 27
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Back in July during the heatwave I was unable to sleep very well on a number of nights, fortunately for me my garden backs onto a golf course so I took myself for a little walk.

After only a short way it dawned on me that their was no way I wouldn't see anybody out that late at night so I took my clothes off and left them behind a tree near to my home and stomped off into the night completely naked, it was wonderful, the moon was bright and the night air was warm but refreshing.

A little way through my walk I came to the lake where I often sat to feed the ducks, I sat pondering for a while if the water was going too be warm or cold and should I try it, it was too temping not to try and it was perfect, I walked out to the middle of the lake (it's very shallow) and sat up to my chest in the warm but refreshing water....bliss, I sat there for a while listening the night life all around me in the trees and bushes before heading back home, a little chilly from being wet with no towel, but much refreshed and very happy!

I have done a couple more times since and would love to try it in the day.... but it's a bit too risky.

If it feels good, then it must be good

Posted : September 19, 2018 12:32 pm